The Dude - iconic cover boy for the early days of gay and bi dating.

Want to know what’s up?

DudesNude is a community site run by a very small team. In the background, Fred and the team are working hard to keep the spirit of the site alive, while moving us into a bright future and all new experience in gay and bi dating.

Find out on what’s happening behind the scenes!

There’s a lot happening that you can’t see, so this blog will show you what s going on – in particular, the progress we’re making towards the new generation od DN!

… and yes, while the cover boys are changing with time, we’ll always have space for the original Dude somewhere on the site!

P. S. Do you have a great story about DudesNude? Maybe even found your soulmate or bate mate? Let us know – we love to hear and write great stories…

2024 | DN2 is coming closer

It’s true what they say, any IT project takes forever and a day! But the end is finally in sight. We’re smoothing out the last bugs and testing the site ourselves – so if all goes well, you could be one of our beta testers and be among the first to see what we’ve been … Read more

2022 | Dudes.Network

Dudes.Network is the newest addition to the upgrades around DudesNude. While the core site of DudesNude is still undergoing a complete facelift, we have finally launched the informative parts of the old site to keep our members better updated and share information faster and better. The DN Team is very small and purely financed by … Read more


We’re very happy that the new DudesNude webcam chat is out of beta and has launched! With this upgrade, we are now the #1 gay camchat on the web… and totally free. Here are just some of the new features And MORE improvements to come…


By Eric DudesNude stands in solidarity with all those affected by injustice, inequality, bigotry, violence, and systemic racism. We specifically stand with our black members, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and fellow humans, at a time when once again they are faced with the reality of deep injustice. We understand the importance and value of allies, and … Read more


By Eric I’m so excited about this… after 17 years with the old home-grown forum software, we’ve upgraded to brand new, modern forums! I’ve always been a fan of the forums because you get a sense of the community on the site and the other members… DudesNude has always been known for having a very … Read more