Celebrating 22 Years of Online Gay & Bi Dating in our Sex-Positive Community, with a Brand New Site coming this Summer!


Since 2002, our members have made DudesNude the world’s friendliest gay dating, cam and community site. Tens of thousands of dudes are waiting for you to JOIN!

Whether you’re a member or not, this new companion site will tell you what we’re up to in our blog, show you where to get help, and much more…

There’s a lot coming up for DudesNude – the all-new DudesNude 2.0, which has been in development for months! It’s a big piece of work that’s going to make showing off your piece of meat even more fun! 

Right now, it’s still under construction, but this new companion site will help you navigate the changes.

First, here’s a sneak peek of our future cover boys – all real DudesNude members! And what a lot of fun those photo-shoots were…

Not a DudesNude member yet? No problem: SIGN-UP for free to check out our member profiles, our community forum and our lit cam room (that place is usually on fire!)

#DudesNude #GayDating #BiDating #GayCamming #BiCamming #GayCommunity #LoveIsLove #OnlineDating #GayChat #CammingCommunity #ExplorePassion #SafeSpace #Men2Men